Marketing and promotion

Where can you see Sthlm Food & Wine and Bak & Choklad?

Here you can read about all the marketing that is done before Sthlm Food & Wine and Bak & Choklad 2024 to reach out with our message and attract visitors to the fair. In these places you can see our marketing during the summer and fall:


  • Social Media with promoted and organic posts on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok and Linkedin.
  • Digital signs in the city, in the metro and at commuter train stations.
  • Printed advertisements in selected magazines.
  • Display ads on major newspapers and other appropriate media.
  • Paid keyword optimization.
  • Elle Food & Wine is the media partner for Sthlm Food & Wine 2024.
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Social media

Start week 35
Sponsored campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
Reach 600 000+

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Printed advertisements

Start on an ongoing basis Printed advertisements will be available in selected magazines and newspapers.
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Outdoor advertising

Start week 36
Digital billboards in the city and selected suburbs as well as at metro, bus and commuter stations.
Reach 2 000 000 +

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Start week 39
Display ads on major newspapers and selected digital media.
Reach 680 000+